Who We Are
We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. As Lutherans we believe that our relationship to God is based solely upon God’s Grace made real to us in the life, death, and resurrection of God’s Son, Jesus. Though God’s Word and the Sacraments, that love is freely communicated and given to each of us. Daily we can grow in that new life that God’s grace creates in us. In thanksgiving, we seek to share with others what we have first received by word (witness) and service. Worship, where we hear God’s Word proclaimed and experience the Sacraments, is central to our life together as is also prayer, Bible study, mutual support, fellowship and service to those in need in our community and the world.
Love + Pray + Gather + Serve
Sunday Divine Service
Join us for Sunday worship at 9:30am. Service is based on a common lectionary which is used not only by Lutherans but many other churches as well which gives us a sense of common experience with others even though they are not in our building.
Sacred Journey - Via Sacra
The Sacred Journey or Via Sacra (“Sacred Way”) is a worshiping community of First Lutheran that seeks to explore and affirm a Lutheran heritage creatively and with a particular inclination toward those seeking to explore spirituality from a Christian perspective. We seek to create an inviting and inclusive space for worship, inquiry, prayer, and formation while encouraging service to others. Join us each Wednesday at 7:00pm.
Barnstable Cafe
Join us for coffee and converstaion every Tuesday at 10am
Once a month we GATHER to SERVE our neighbors a delicious meal and share LOVE and companionship with all, especially those who may be lonely or hungry. This is a growing ministry. Volunteers to cook the meal or just eat and share time with other guests are welcome. Luncheons are held on the Second Saturday each month at noon. No reservations are necessary.
Pot-Luck Fellowship
All are welcome at His table. Please join us one hour prior to Sacred Journey to break bread and enjoy fellowship. We hope you can add to the feast but it is not required. What can we do with five loaves and two fish?
God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars.
-Martin Luther-
Waves of Wellness
Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously. Matthew 10:7-8
Living generously is at the heart of our mission and vision at First Lutheran; Love, Pray, Gather, Serve. Heeding Christ’s call to live in the Kingdom, we are dedicated to caring for the whole person. Waves of Wellness is a ministry that focuses on the spiritual, physical, and mental well-being of our neighbors and of our members.
Women of The Word "W.O.W"
All women are invited to join us for a cup of tea, thoughtful discussion, and friendship on Thursday’s at 10am. We meet in the Nobska Light conference room each week. Studies are most often based on the WELCA Gather Magazine Bible Studies.
Quilters meet every Wednesday from 1 to 3pm in our Fellowship Hall. We work on all types of projects, not just quilts. We have also made masks, teddy bears for first responders to comfort children in crisis, tote bags for foster children, clothes protectors for elders, and been bags for kids! We have shared our handiwork with local and state agencies, police departments, our congregation and the local community. Anyone is welcome to join us, even if you don’t know how to sew. We need people to iron, cut squares out of beautiful fabric, and encourage each other. Join us!
Ladies Evening Bible Study
We welcome all women to study & discuss the wisdom of the bible with fellow members Tuesday’s at 7pm in person or on Zoom.
Tuesday Silent Meditation
We meet in the Sanctuary Tuesdays at noon year around and it is completely free. Light a candle.
Worship, Contemplate, Heal, Commune.
Reiki is no longer offered
Church Chat
Every 4th Sunday of the Month (except on holiday weekends) there will be an opportunity for the congregation to gather informally for discussion of current church activities and issues. Church Chat will be held in the fellowship hall immediately after worship on Sunday mornings – after everyone gets some coffee and goodies. We will be discussing our future as a church, a congregation and our vision. Your input and support are paramount to our growth as a community in Christ.
Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
-Mother Teresa -