Quilting “Officially” Expands to Work from Home
For many years, our Wednesday afternoon quilters have been seen taking “homework” with them as they leave the church, certainly quite the commitment! Now, we can officially say that our Quilters are part of the “WFH, Work from Home” trend. A huge “thank you” to those who volunteered to assist with our quilting efforts, from home! And a huge thank you to all of the Quilters for their help in assembling and completing these quilts. We are a group of 10-16 women (but men are welcome!), meeting each Wednesday afternoon from 1-3pm to make quilts and other handmade items to bring comfort to the community in and around us. You do NOT need to know how to sew to be one of us! If you can cut with scissors, iron, place squares of fabric on a table, or just stay and chat, please join us!
The Quilters have been busy, in addition to their usual quilt making! We got back into the art of making Teddy Bears for “Good Grief Cape Cod”, a local non-profit agency supporting families dealing with the loss of a loved one. These TWENTY-SIX cute little bears will go to children needing comfort!
Quilters meet every Wednesday from 1 to 3pm in our Fellowship Hall.
We work on all types of projects, not just quilts. We have also made masks, teddy bears for first responders to comfort children in crisis, tote bags for foster children, clothes protectors for elders, and been bags for kids! We have shared our handiwork with local and state agencies, police departments, our congregation and the local community. Anyone is welcome to join us, even if you don’t know how to sew. We need people to iron, cut squares out of beautiful fabric, and encourage each other. Join us!